This is Part 5 over 6 of “Coding for SSDs”, covering Sections 7 and 8. For other parts and sections, you can refer to the Table to Contents. This is a series of articles that I wrote to share what I learned while documenting myself on SSDs, and on how to make code perform well on SSDs. If you’re in a rush, you can also go directly to Part 6, which is summarizing the content from all the other parts.
Now that I have covered most of the inner workings of solid-state drives in the previous sections, I can provide data that will help build an understanding of which access patterns should be used and why they are indeed better than others. In this part, I explain how writes should be done, how reads should be done, and why concurrent read and write operations are interfering. I also cover a few optimizations at the level of the filesystem which can improve performance.
Translations: This article was translated to Simplified Chinese by Xiong Duo and to Korean by Matt Lee (이 성욱).