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Month: July 2016

Implementing a Key-Value Store – Part 10: High-Performance Networking: KingServer vs. Nginx

This is Part 10 of the IKVS series, “Implementing a Key-Value Store”. You can also check the Table of Contents for other parts. In this series of articles, I describe the research and process through which I am implementing a key-value database, which I have named “KingDB”. The source code is available at Please note that you do not need to read the previous parts to be able to follow what is going on here. The previous parts were mostly exploratory, and starting with Part 8 is perfectly fine.

In this article, I explain the model and inner workings of KingServer, the network server for KingDB. In order to put things into perspective I also cover Nginx, the high-performance HTTP server well-known for its network stack, and how it differs from KingDB.