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Tag: cuckoo

Implementing a Key-Value Store – Part 6: Open-Addressing Hash Tables

This is Part 6 of the IKVS series, “Implementing a Key-Value Store”. You can also check the Table of Contents for other parts.

In this article, I will compare several open-addressing hash tables: Linear Probing, Hopscotch hashing, and Robin Hood hashing. I have already done some work on this topic, and in this article I want to gather data for more metrics in order to decide which hash table I will use for my key-value store.

The result section also contains an interesting observation about the maximum DIB for Robin Hood hashing, which originated from Kristofer Karlsson, a software engineer at Spotify and the author of the key-value store Sparkey.

This article will cover:

1. Open-addressing hash tables
2. Metrics
3. Experimental Protocol
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusion
6. References

Cuckoo Hashing

As part of my work on my key-value store project, I am currently researching hashing methods with the goal to find one that would fit the performance constraints of on-disk storage. In this article, I am making a quick review of cuckoo hashing, a method to resolve collisions in hash tables. This article is not part of the IKVS series as it is not specific to key-value stores.
